Meet The Authors

Rainbow G.


Ezekiel & Clare duBois

Carol E. Jennings
Blue Roses for My Bride series: Book 1
Heaven on Earth
It seems like Just yesterday I was saved. Not knowing what to do next or where I should go. Little by little I had to find my way and put together the lessons I was taught from different sources to seemingly lead a holy life. My supreme happiness came from when I found Jesus! Little did I know all I had to do was dwell in His heart and he would provide me with the wisdom I need and show me the things I could only fantasize about. Things like these seemed to me too precious to keep hidden, and that's when I knew I just had to share Who He is to the whole world! Visions, testimonies, miracles and more came knocking at my door leading me into a dose of Heaven on Earth!

Rainbow G.

Blue Roses for My Bride series: Book 2
Diary of a Christian Woman
While the struggle of the world tears her down, she whisks herself away in the immaculate heart of her Saviour, writing down her thoughts, her experiences and her life. In what she calls "Diary."
Currently Taken Down...

Rainbow G.
Blue Roses for My Bride series: Book 3
Open Book
All I cannot speak openly to others as in speech, I'm letting it out now on pages. It is named 'open book' because for a long time I have been reserved with a locked-personality. This is an open view to my musings, hopes, joys, battles and flaws. I share them so you will be somehow stired and encouraged to be an 'open book' to someone too.
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Azora G.

Blue Roses for My Bride series: Book 4
The Story Kidz Adventures
Four friends, Kailah, Ezekiel, Maxilimian and Elizabeth started the Story Kidz club to first share how they use their sancrified imagination to connect with Jesus. Until He himself comes to them, taking them on adventures which they record in their Info Log.

Rainbow G.
Blue Roses for My Bride series: Book 5
The Memories of Hannah
In a troubled, confused end-time generation Hannah was found by The Master which eventually became her First Love, where the love one could only dream about was given her freely! Life with Him brought her to the open gates of a unrestricted and unlimited life where she lives Heaven on Earth, literally. Marking steps in their walk together have been deeply recorded in her being, causing her thus to often ponder and relive their sweetness and lessons.

Azora G.
Experiences in Heaven
Chronicles of the Bride
This book contains almost forty episodes from 2007 and 2008, encounters with Jesus as His Bride and our travels in Heaven to the place He has prepared for us individually. The first half of the book is Clare's narrative, the second, Ezekiel's. We worked very hard to bring only the most solid experiences and accurate details of these encounters.
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Clare & Ezekiel du Bois
The Garden of the Heart series
Hannah's Heart
"My heart in writing this book is to introduce the reader to who Jesus, Holy Spirit and Father God REALLY are—as I and many thousands have found them to be. Not somewhere ‘up there’, disconnected from us and unreachable. But HERE. Calling to their Children, wanting to draw each soul back to their Creator’s Heart. Ever loving. Ever teaching and helping us with even the smallest of worries and details in our lives. Wanting to be intimately connected to our lives. Wanting to be fully engaged with our lives". - Author Carol Jennings
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Carol E. Jennings
Recent Prophecies from Jesus to the Bride
Love Letters to My Bride 1
If anything is in our hears that is not pleasing to Jesus, we are bound to fall short of loving Him with the single minded passion of His Bride. HeartDwellers.org and these messages are all aboout purifying our hearts from compromises with our flesh and the world.
Jesus is coming very soon, and all of us want to have a spotless wedding dress to greet Him in. We are dedicated to making stirght the way of the Lord in our own hearts as well as encouraging intimacy with Jesus - to know Him, to Love Him and to Serve Him.
The joy of our eternity is right here now, in Him, with Him and throught Him. He longs to be with you and we long to share with you the way He has brought us out of the world... and has brought us to a place unequaled in all the universe, His Holy Joyful and Loving Heart. And we sincerely pray that you also come to know Him with such closeness. There is no other eternal Joy as to know Him.
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Clare & Ezekiel du Bois
When God Heals, And When He Doesn't
Healing is a marvelous gift from the Lord! And He is using more and more of His People to learn and use the Gift of Healing for the sake of His Children. And for these—we rejoice! But… Have you prayed, trusted, gone to ‘healers’ —and still nothing seems to happen? Have you ever been told you don’t have the faith to be healed? That you have hidden sin and this is why? Or, there is something wrong with you, When God Heals …and When He Doesn’t presents the journey of how Jesus has led us at Still Small Voice, and answered those issues in our lives.
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Clare & Ezekiel du Bois
From Our Mother Mary to Clare du Bois
A Hope in Winter Comes
The following pages contain a wealth of instruction on how to live the Christian Life. These words of Our Holy Mother and Lord contain some of the richest counsel I have yet to read. Mary takes us step by step through her own very special way of preparing the faithful believer for a mature and grounded relationship with her son, Jesus. As the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, and chosen daughter of the Father, she is well familiar with the way of God, and of pleasing His Omnipotent Heart. May you meditate prayerfully upon these sublime teachings, and I pray that they will bring you into a profoundly intimate union with the Bridegroom of your soul.
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Clare du Bois
Recent Prophecies from Jesus to the Bride
Love Letters to My Bride 2
TESTIMONIES about some recent Love Letters to the Bride:
"Thank you for this wonderful message, Clare. I feel we are getting so close to the Rapture. I just feel it constantly. Thank you Lord Jesus for the many nights that you've awakend me from my leep to give me direction and correction in my life to keep me clean and on the right track with You. Thank you for your Great Love and Mercy." - Pamela
"Thank you Clare and thank you Jesus for the promis of Rapture. Jesys, You show your love or us through correction. I am so filled with Joy unspeakable and full of Glory this morning because of this wonderful Word from The Lord." - Curt
"Lord, I'm greateful to you for this message. Jesus it brings me to a place to start recheck my life before you, thank you so much for your love and compassion. Lord i manted to be more wise in the things of God. Lord I don't want to fail in no part of my life, I want to be a blessing to you and others. Help me to live a life pleasing to you and others. Jesus give me more of your love so I may show more love to others. Thank you so Lord for speaking to your brides, yes Lord you're coming back for a pure and holy bride." - Silvie
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Clare & Ezekiel du Bois
Hope and Instruction
The Rapture WAS Real?!
We have compiled a book of the most important messages and instructions for the Left Behind.
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Clare & Ezekiel du Bois
Recent Prophecies from Jesus to the Bride
Love Letters to My Bride 3
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Amazon ($3.14)

Clare & Ezekiel du Bois
Book 3 PDF is Now Available

Heartdwellers Books Info
Here are some Heartdwellers books written by Mother Clare’s, Father Ezekiel and Carol Jennings. You can purchase a hard copy of the books either on Amazon or on Kindle, but what you are paying for is the fees for the host site. They receive no income from the purchases of the books on those sites. You can also have a free PDF download of their books! For any other information visit their website at: heartdwellers.org