Heartdwellers Caribbean is an Outreach of Charity for those that live in poverty and are in great need of God's love and assistance to those in the Caribbean. It's an outreach where we spread God's love, encouragement as well as provision for those who desperately need it.
Romans 12:17-11 says, "If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly. Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically."
This, my brothers and sisters, is the founding scripture for this outreach and our ministry.

Heartdwellers Caribbeans motto can be summed up into one small statement that Mother Teresa said, "Love in Action". That is what we made the center of this outreach and ministry to do every action with love.
The Lord has blessed us by opening up His heart to undeserving souls to equip us to send out to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and provide for the sick and the many impoverished families living in the Caribbean that the government and even others have overlooked.
But our God is the God who sees and He hears the cry of His people.
He hears how they mourn and worry when they don't have enough to provide for their children. He hears the cries of the hungry children who starve or even die of malnutrition. He is with the widows and widowers with His comfort and love. He is even with those who don't know Him and longs for them to come back to His heart. So He is sending us out in twos to provide for their needs and take the love of God to those that don't know He is there, or for those who have not given up hope.
My fellow family this is not my ministry, but this ministry and outreach belongs to you who have been faithful to watch our messages and support us. The reward that is to be recieved in Heaven is to go to you because of your faithfulness and support! With this outreach we are not hoping to just touch the poor in the country in which we reside alone but also as many countries in the Carribean as well, in the Lord's perfect timing.
We hope to provide for as many people as we can with whatever we receive. We would be ever so grateful if you would give any love-gift you can or even becoming a sower in this beautiful field giving monthly to assist in the needs for the poor. If you can't however, I would like you to know that your prayers for this ministry and outreach are so very much appreciated! Truly my dear family, every dollar counts and will be used in whatever way we can to bring love to the poor. Mother Clare once said in a message, "You can't outgive the Lord." And this is true. Whatever you give out of the love of your heart, the Lord will be faithful to bless you abundantly as well.
Mother Teresa said, "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed one" and that is what we are hoping tp do. The goal is to touch and feed many but we are ever so greateful to the Father for every single soul that will be touched by His Love.
May He give to you 100-fold for every cent we have received.

Our micro birthday package.

In honor of our Mama Mary, we decided to do desert boxes for the street dwellers. This box contains; - 1 local snack [medium] -1 jumbo muffin -1 strawberry macaroon tea cake -2 multi flavored cookies -1 bottled water

Our micro birthday package.
Disclaimer: we will be posting what we are able to, but we will not be posting pictures of the actual destitute or of us giving to them unless they are willing or ask us to, in order to protect their dignity. And, as not to get into pride :)
"But when you give to someone in need, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing." (Matt 6:3 nlt)
We would like to Thank each and every one who have stood with us and have supported us through this journey whether it be support by your donations , prayers or otherwise. We are so very grateful for your help, your time, your prayers and your donations that helps us to stay afloat and to help us help God's little ones..