When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, 'Woman, behold your son!' Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother!” And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home. (John 19:26-27)

Mary, The Blessed Virgin
“My beloved children, I am Mother of all. Mother of all tribes, of all nations, and all tongues. Christ’s blood flows through me and He has given all souls of the Earth to me, under my Motherly care. You see, God loves variety, and what better way to portray His manifold creativity and love of uniqueness than by creating different people groups, races, and cultures to glorify Him. (...)
When I appear to different people groups, many times I have taken the form and the look of the women in their culture so they may relate to me. And other times, I come just as myself, as I appeared during Jesus' life. But in all of this, I am still Mother to all. Do not allow the color of my skin to separate your love from me or Jesus for that is one of Satan's main tactics that is now destroying the church, by giving many a heightened sensitivity to offense, racial prejudice, and segregation. So you not only have churches separated by different doctrinal beliefs but by race, when we desire for you to be one body and one church.
Take a moment and see this following message, given by Blessed Mother to mother Mary Elisha. Click on the underlined words: "I Am Mother of All & 'Thea Bowman' from the Cloud of Witness Speaks"
You are a gift to me from Jesus
as I lead you,
council you
and help you
in your santification
to be a gift to Jesus, from me.
- Mary
Know Me, My Child
Source of the messages above, from: Still Small Voice, or Heartdwellers Inc. And, HeartdwellersGhana, From Jesus with Love
"Blessed Mother In My Life"
These are the accounts of seeing the Blessed Mother three times, that I'm very happy to share with you, and I pray that they uplift you. This was in the 1970s, and I was going through challenges within my marriage relationship,, and also for someone else, I was praying for, as the first one relating seeing Her is about, which I will share now.
The first time I saw the Blessed Mother was in the '70s and I had had a friend stay over who was a lovely Catholic but who I felt was getting into new age areas and I was concerned about her. She had left, and at night I said to The Blessed Mother that I would reclined on the lounge chair without a blanket, so I would be a little chilly, plus of course it was not the most comfortable place to be sleeping.... but I would offer that up for her soul that she didn't become further involved with this new age movement.
So I had my Rosary's on me and I settled into the chair and started to say the Rosary. I then just settled in the chair, and then my body became covered in a beautiful blue light like a baby blue light, maybe a tad bit darker, and where my Rosary was, all these hundreds of beautiful, I called them twinkle lights, which I later found out were angel lights, from my dear friend who was praying I would see the angels. That's another story.
So as I was sitting there being bathed in this light with these pretty little lights around my Rosary, the Blessed Mother appeared about two yards away from me on my left in the living room., not touching the floor, in the same blue light that I was bathed in, but I didn't see Her face, and She was only there for a few seconds. Then She disappeared, but the peace I felt was not ANYTHING that I could even describe. What a wonderful Mother we have... in the Blessed Mother 💖
The next two times I was just suffering very badly with different situations, and at this one point I was sitting on a stair step in the house,, and Her face just flashed before me very quickly, and it was like five emotions hit me at once, is all I can say, and of course I felt better . . . and I knew that she was just reaching out to console me.
The third time was very similar. I was sitting on the end of the bed, again going through some challenges in this relationship I had in my marriage, and She just had Her face flash in front of me quickly which of course lifted my spirits, and again I realized that She was reaching out knowing how I was going through special trials, trying to make right decisions and somehow get through whatever I was Going through.
So these are the stories that I wanted to share with you, and I pray that they uplifted you in some way.
God bless and love you, and all you hold dear to your heart.💖🌹🕊️🙏👑
What I have to share is a little thing, but it is a big one for me. Growing up in a Orthodox Church, I was taught of Blessed Mary and her role in the Church of Jesus.
When I had not yet given my life to the Lord completely, I went to church one day and a song there got encripted in me because when I went home I sang it all the time, even while washing dishes, sometimes at random even. I liked the melody also and so I went on singing it often in my mind, "Prea sfânta Născătoare de Dumnezeu, miluiește-ne pe noi." (Words in romanian). Which in english is "Most holy Mother of God, have mercy on us." At times I got myself switching words "accidentally" and saying instead of "miluiește" (eng: mercy) I would say "mântuiește" (eng: save). And eventually, time after I find myself thinking differently and deciding to commit no more a certain sin I was in at that time, having the mindset of dropping it. Time later, I am brought to complete confession before a priest about my secret unrepented sins that I held inside since childhood because I was ashamed and afraid to tell them before the priest, or any other person. Months later, I find the Heartdwellers on Youtube channel (back in 2017). Weeks later I bend the knees and surrender my heart to Jesus.......
As I look back, I realize that whenever I was singing that short verse, she was listening all along - attentively listening for, such a little simple verse to Mother got me saved and back to Jesus wholly.

Our Mother of Mercy Devotion
"And I am your Mother of Mercy and now I want to be known and loved in that way."
Visit: OurMotherOfMercyDevotion.org

How To Pray The Chaplet
Whenever you pray this chaplet, let it become a gentle rhythm within your being, at the same time lift up to the Heart of Our Merciful Father, the souls that come to mind, emersing them in God’s Mercy.
This devotion was given, simply, to be prayed simply. It stands upon the foundation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Holy Rosary. It is meant to steep our hearts in quiet supplication.
1. Make the Sign of the Cross:
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
2. Three Hail Mary:
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
3. On Our Father Beads, say:
Merciful Father grant us,
4. On the 10 Small Beads of Each Decade, say:
"More Time, more Grace, more Mercy."
(After finishing saying this ten times,
at the end of each decade, you conclude with)
"Mother of Mercy, pray for us."
Note: I case you do not have this tool available,
you can use you own fingers to count :)
All graces and merits needed in this life and at the hour of death.
They shall not stumble or fall through error of faith, nor misled into false doctrine or teaching.
They shall obtain the grace of a happy death, and will not die without the sacraments of the Church.
They shall not be left unaided, but will have the peaceful assurance of my very real presence, and that of my Son, Jesus, with them all the days of their life.
They shall obtain remission of all their sins, venial and mortal, and shall be expiated of all satisfaction due to the lesser offenses.
They shall continue under the effects and benefits of this Divine Mercy even after their death, and be granted speedily the satisfaction due their serious sins, thus entering Paradise more quickly.
They shall merit manifold graces for unrepentant sinners, and be a source of comfort and indulgences for the souls in purgatory.