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I Will Comfort You Through Your Sufferings

Hello precious family. May we all have the grace to hold Jesus's hand in the middle of the storms that are ahead of us. I hope you guys enjoyed that little montage of videos so as to prepare us for His coming if that be His will. Let us not forget that even if more time is granted us, then more mercy has been given to many souls and another chance has been given for this world to repent. At least we did our best to prepare ourselves and to pray for others as his faithful brides.

Well dear family I was given a short message from the Lord today but I still thought I would share it because I know we all are being purified right now and having the finishing touches made to our garments. Needless to say that was very hard for me and I was really beating myself up over it. Thinking I should be better. I could have done better instead of repenting and holding the Lords hand through my trials. I was a mess. It didn't help that sufferings were just coming from everywhere. I was burnt out and feeling hopeless only to find out that an assignment of hopelessness, discouragement, division and discontentment had been released and attacking everyone and I fell right through it. So I broke down and came to him crying and not being to contain myself. This was the response I got. Even though not what I wanted to hear at that moment I just gave it all to him.

"As the days go by, Precious one, I am more and more beginning to open up to you new sins that have not been dealt with in the past. Things we must work out together and I am continuing to grow you in holiness and into my image. I don't want you to run from your shortcomings my bride but embrace it and get back up and try again. It is not easy for anyone to see themselves in my truth mirror but I give grace to all that seek it and I strengthen you to overcome these things when you realize there is much left to do but it is only in the preservation of your spirit and preparing you spotless for my kingdom. You're going steady now but its not gonna get easier when we have to deal with more things as we go along. In times like these I wish for you all to hold onto the cross and know that you are changing and becoming my precious diamonds. Its not going to get any easier as the days go by and as evil grows but I will be coming for my brides soon and I do not want you to be afraid to change but instead ask me for that grace and I will give it to you. The race is almost over my dear one. Run it well. Run as to win, run your best and let me do the rest. I love you my brides. Have courage and trust in my mercy"

And as I was editing this I heard him start speaking again all while seeing 444 on the clock which is to mean blessed Mother so I bet she was confirming that he was speaking because of my insecurities so maybe this was to be the part 2 of this message 🤔

He began:

"Come to me let me renew your spirit everyday, in your prayer time, your worship time, your alone time. I am here. To renew you, to rejuvenate you and to restore your peace. My brides, as you come to me each day I want you to know that I am there. Even when you are not able to come I am by your side, holding you, loving you and stay close. I am there when you are at work, with your children, with your families and friends and I longed to be acknowledged because I am one with you. I want to hear about your day, your prayers for others, your ideas. I desire for all to realize that when you have my heart we are truly one and I abide in you. We are never apart dear ones, NEVER. I am not a distant God as some paint me to be but I am loving gentle and kind. Waiting for us to begin our day together as a team. So when you are going through your trials, your sufferings, know that I am ever so close to you and carrying this burden with you too. I am never ever far off. Run my brides. Run into the embrace of my heart come away with me and let us journey together. Let me take you to higher heights with me. To show you the places I have created. Let's create together, let's bond together. Let's bring back your peace. I love you precious ones and desire to be ever so close to you in this time. You presence brings me joy and lightens the burdens of my ever so burdened heart. Come my brides, come!"

That was the end of his message.

Thank you guys for your support and prayers we do very much need them. Thank you also for those you who have come alongside us to help us with our little family on the street and others who are in need. We love you all so much!

God bless you guys until the next message.

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