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Mother Mary Speaks - Comfort My Son

Hello precious Family, what an honor it is to be with you all again as I so deeply enjoy talking with you guys. May the LORD grant us the grace to be able to know how best to comfort him and how best to pray and stay with him. Today's message is from mama Mary as I call her. I wasn't hoping to hear a message from her honestly. Its not that I think she wouldn't speak to me its more so I didn't believe. I was in the LORD's supper about to continue on when I heard her start speaking so I put down everything grabbed my phone and started to type what I heard, then I discerned it later.

Before I get into the message family I wanted to tell you that I will be taking one of our messages "Prepare Your hearts - I am coming soon" down and reposting it again. This is because I said I provided a link in the transcript for you guys to see but this was a trailer of it. Because of our sweet Mother Elisha, I am able to now let you guys see the full series of it and will be posting it on our channel. Please share it with your family and your friends, time is short and we need to wake up before its so late.

Another thing I wanted to mention is that we are really short staffed right now and we could really use your help. The work is many but the workers are very few. Please precious family if you have a heart for our mission and would like to volunteer your time in helping us get things done before Jesus comes then we would love to have you on board the Heartdwellers Caribbean team. Please email us at our business email and we will discern and get back to you.

Okay on with the message.

Mama Mary began, "My child , thank you for being open to what I have to say. I have been longing to speak to you for a while and know it is not easy to get a message everyday. Will you at least try my daughter? I will help you. I wish to speak on hope and faith. There is much hope for your nations if you keep praying but much hangs in the balance. Your prayers have held back much but it is now time for my son to take an authoritative position in your country. He must now stand up and remove the evil and the wicked from this world. Oh how this hurts him. He has dreaded this day the very day it was mentioned that it must be done. I need you to comfort him, daughter. Be by his side, he needs you and finds much joy when you are around. Please turn the gaze from yourself and onto my son. He so badly needs your comfort right now and it will bring him much joy if more of his brides will come to him and give him that time. It will mend and distract his ever so broken heart at what must be done in the not so distant future. He is coming, daughter and he is coming soon. I wish for everyone to prepare themselves and to come to trust my son as their faithful protector. For those who simply can't afford food, know that he will provide. For those who can't save your families, know that he is there with you and he has made a way. Have faith my precious ones. The journey will soon be over and then you will have your peaceful rest in the kingdom. But for now, seek your rest in the garden of your hearts and comfort my son in this hour. He desperately needs you. I love you all my precious little ones. Go in peace we are all with you."

That was the end of her message.

I too, need to get better at this. And also my recording of the messages as I mess up and get tongue tied, pray for me. Well I hope you all enjoy the repost and the part series. Remember to share it and to keep up your prayers.

God bless you guys until the next message.

Please be praying for us to be able to find more suitable ways to receive your donations the options we do have are limited. Thank you family!



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