The Power in Group Intercession

October 27th, 2021 Heavenly Father, please give wisdom to our faithful band of intercessors that are standing in the gap before the Lord, on behalf of so many, who are unaware of the spiritual battles that are raging in the heavens. Develop in each one of us the heart of a true servant that is so vital for this special ministry to be effective, the sort of servant-heart that was so exemplified in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Blessed Mother began, "I am with you here on the refuge and even when you go out. I want you all to please become more accustomed to my presence. Clare, I want to be there for you in every situation of life. Please call upon me frequently for help with discernment and other matters which trouble your souls."
"Many times you lose track of my presence or the Lord’s presence and that leaves you open to disquiet. I love to place my mantle around you and keep your hearts at peace. I want you to be able to turn to me in all circumstances and even when you are called upon to pray, ask me to join you beloved ones. We need as many prayers as we can get because this is only the beginning of great sorrows. You will be increasingly called upon to intercede as events begin to occur, I want to join you in your prayers for those who are in danger and suffering."
“A constant awareness of my presence and also the Lord’s presence will greatly accelerate your sanctity. Remember you have been told that the greatest ones in Heaven are those who prayed. Another benefit of being aware of my presence, which comes through the Holy Spirit because everything and all prayer are done through the Holy Spirit, is the benefit of watchfulness over your soul and what He is speaking to you in any given moment. In Him we live and move and have our being. Amen."
"Yes, Clare I want you to encourage Heart Dwellers to ask me to join them in their prayers. My heart is very, very big and within it are all the children of God, for which I am constantly interceding. If men and women knew that I want to join them when they pray, they would not be s afraid of enlisting me. Satan has poisoned the mind of Christians by misinformation because he hates it when I am enlisted in a cause. Understand my very, very dear ones, I have millions of prayer warriors both here in Heaven and on Earth. When I call upon them to join us, they are instantly faithful. My army of souls is a very special army, hand-picked by me to stand in the gap in every situation I bring them. That is another reason why I am so hated by Hell."
"When you pray on your own, wherever two or three are gathered in Jesus name, there is increased power of prayer to the Father. Imagine going from just two or three to 200, then imagine 2,000 and 2 million. That is what makes our prayers the most powerful. It is also what is called the Marian multiplier. I have so many at my disposal, who are eager to pray, and take your intentions into their hearts, and lift them up to the Father. Oh, it would be so beneficial if you could spread this word."
“I will do my best Mother.”
“Yes, I know you will Clare. Truly daughter you have grown so much. What a blessing you are to so many.”
“It is because of His grace and your intercession dear mother. I never got results like this before I enlisted you.”
“All I want to do is lift you up to the Father and ask for more graces for you. And when you handle them well, I can ask for even more. I want to help Clare, I wish people would understand the truth about my mission, there is nothing detrimental about you and I praying together, and it is important child, that everyone prays for the hour of their death because that is the moment of greatest challenge and Satan’s last opportunity to drag you to Hell. Yes, this is truly a revelation that most never think to pray for. I am so grateful for this prayer.”
Wow! Ezekiel just told me that he saw the Blessed Mother on her knees during the Rosary praying with us!!! What a confirmation.