May the Lord give us the grace to keep up our prayers in this time. Ever since Mother Elisha told me to go and listen everyday for messages from the Lord, off and on I have been able to listen for them but not able to write them down but He has still been faithful to me, to speak with me. He has been faithful despite my unfaithfulness. Then Mother Elisha has asked us to begin journaling again which I have always longed to do but couldn't because of the demands on my life and being a mom. However I have determined that I will try and I think you all should be journaling too and see, let Jesus surprise you. Some of the messages I share with you all here on the channel. It honestly amazes me at the many people that would want to speak with someone like me. Wow!
Today's message is from Zurubiel, my guardian angel. I am not sure if that is indeed his real name but I really like the name so I stuck with it. Should I get to heaven I will indeed use his real name. But for now I use his nickname. He's an amazing friend and cares very much for me and my family. Very humble and well put together. So what a treat ,today's message is from him!
He began: "My dearest Rainbow, it is with honor that I get to speak with you today. This is your guardian Angel. You were right, I was waking you up just now because I wanted you to see what is going on in the spiritual realm."
Just to clarify what he is talking about, I had gone to take a nap but in the middle of my sleep I felt something tugging me as if to wake up. Because I was so tired I couldn't. However in the midst of my sleep I saw myself standing in a battle field witnessing a war.
He continued: "We are at war my dear friend. Things are beginning to ramp up in America and around the world. Day by day, my fellow angels and I continue to fight to keep you and others safe from the dangers that lies ahead and is to come. As it says, God protects his faithful ones and so we were sent to protect you. I would like to ask you to call on me more my beloved one, as the days go by and things get worst many of you are going to really need our help. The Lord sent me to tell you this day that the earth is shifting as Nibiru approaches. Because of this, the polar ice caps are beginning to melt away and the earth's core is beginning to heat up drastically. This is the reason for the sudden heat spells that has happened in your country since you all are so close to the equator you all will feel it the most. The earth is indeed reeling like a drunkard shifting side to side as the day of judgment approaches. These are the final days my dear one. And as that day approaches, do not expect anything to get better. For this day must come spoken in the Bible of old. It says in revelation that the devil will be found out for his deeds before man and this is soon to happen. No longer it seems will the father put up with him any longer. I come to you, my dear sister in Christ. Call on me more in the hour my dear and I will be by your side. Many angels of others also long to help their dear friends on earth, but so few call on us. This does not mean that we stand back and don't protect you but we would very much like to be of more service to you. To help you with your prayers, your children, your family and your lives. We are there and you can call on us."
"Zurubiel, if I may ask, why isn't Jesus speaking to me now? Or where is he? I sense that I have let him down somehow and I feel awful about many things."
He continued on:
"He knows that you go through many things and he too wishes to help you if you call out to him. He is not mad at you. He understands what you are going through but he would very much like it if you would go to him and comfort him in this hour as he is suffering much for many nations. Will you do that for me, Rainbow?"
"Yes I will.
But what about our prayers, Zurubiel? We have been praying much for many things."
He replied: "Your prayers and the prayers of others are working my daughter but there is so much going on in the spiritual realm that determines the faith of this world. So much hangs in the balance my dear bride. It is not just your prayers of mercy that the father looks for but it is the prayers of repentance from the reprobate, the evil ones. He wants to be able to wake up the lonely, the depressed, the lukewarm, the ones seeking for him. Now is the time of the great gathering where many souls will be taken up to the father and many souls will be awakened to the truth but you must pray for this as Satan seeks to destroy and take away this destiny.
Pray for all churches that their eyes will be open to the truth. Pray for the truth seekers to find God. Pray for the lost and those hungry to fill their soul; to find their rest in Gods heart. Pray that the eyes of the spiritually blind, the ignorant and the well educated will open and their ears to the truth being revealed. I love you dear sister and wish to speak to you again but your dear Jesus is waiting for you in the garden. Please go to him. He waits for you. Stay strong, have courage. We will be going soon."
That was the end of his message.
You know this is all to weird because Mother Clare has told me in an email the same thing about the earths core heating up and papa Ezekiel has had a vision of meteoroids passing over the Atlantic. Usually I would just put this aside and not think of it if it weren't for my husband telling me that very morning that NASA had put out an article that very same day about them spotting meteoroids coming to earth. The earth is indeed reeling like a drunkard as things begin ramp up. There has been unusual activity like heat waves happening in our country. For a Caribbean country, snow is out of the question. All we get is sun and rain yet a few months ago we noticed something called sea foam, something just like snow landing in a part of our country and in another part, traces of hail which we don't get. I bet there are many other things going on in other parts of the world that we don't know about. So let's keep up our prayers family, and trust in God as we finish this battle.
Remember we do not the time nor the hour and Jesus does not know either. But we can prepare ourselves and we can get ready from now. If the Father decides to hold back the time then it is his will but if he also decides that he wants to come now then that will also be his will. Let us keep up our prayers, charity, our goods and strive to make it to heaven and to continue to pray for those who have no one to pray for them and to lift up our family members and those that don't know God.
Please remember all the transcripts are available on our Rumble channel until we can get more help with our website. So please, if you do feel called to come alongside us to volunteer we would be very grateful to have you! We just wanna thank you guys for your love and support and for all those that contributed to this ministry as we continue to help others and our little family on the street. Truly, every cent counts and is used wisely as best as we can. We love you all so very much!
God bless you until the next message.