Sep 13th 2021
Hello dear Family, It is always an honor to be with you all again . I know we all going through a lot of sufferings at this time but please do know that we are praying for you. It has been tough for us as well. Sufferings everywhere that we have not been able to get everything we want done. Gods mercy, however, is great because we manage to find ways around it and when we can't, we offer it up to the lord. I hope you all are doing your best to keep up your charity towards others by doing random acts of kindness here and there for those you know and don't know around you. If you are, great job! I am proud of you and if you haven't yet no worries we can all start somewhere . I will address more about this topic after the message. I do not know if after this message they may take down our channel or give us a strike where we can't post for two weeks. Please do pray for us should this happen. But know that we have a new Rumble channel up now that will have all our messages and transcripts until our website situation is sorted out. So please do follow us over there.
Well Here is our message from Jesus.
I was originally given this message on September 13, 2021 but have not been able to put it up until now because of the many things I have been tasked to finished. The message came to me Suddenly, as I was getting ready to work on editing, he began speaking so I dropped everything to hear what he has to say. Even though he was addressing the Caribbean and many of you are not from there, you are still apart of our island family and we love you dearly. I believe this message is indeed for all and will benefit all of you. Because we are all in need of Prayer.
Jesus began, "My people of the Caribbean, you have done well to pray for your Presidents, Prime ministers and your country. I am deeply touched at the many prayers that go up for them daily. Unfortunately we are at war. Day by day evil begins to tip the scales of Good in your nations and I need you all to be ever so watchful and keeping up your prayers for your countries because so much goes on behind the scenes. The evil ones in your government are many and so many times the people who we claim to be evil and bad are actually not and are on the forefront of the enemy's wrath."
I am not sure who he is speaking about here guys but I do know that often times we tend to bash and blame the people that are on the forefront but most of the times we don't see what goes on behind the scenes or the many evils that they have to face on a daily basis and how many threats and demonic influence that is in our government that seek to take control and destroy it all together. We usually sometimes vote in candidates by many things. Race is a big underlying factor for many here in the Caribbean even if they don't say it openly and then there are our own preferences. Who WE think will be better most times instead of asking God for his will to be done in our nation. We do not vote in my household but when I was around people who did in my country, I seldom heard anyone say they will vote for who God sees fit to put in power. I don't even think it is wise to judge anyone in our government, Good or Evil. I used to do this in the past and try my best to stay away from it now. I judged based on the opinions and dogmas of others. I never really did research of my own to find out if there information was valid. I just claimed it to be truth because I was good with that person and thought that they wouldn't lie to me. Unfortunately I passed there bitterness onto others and so the cycled continued. I wish I had never done that at all because it wounded and changed the minds of so many. The stance I would take on it now is to just listen to others opinion as not to make them feel worthless or unimportant and then go to the lord for my source of truth not trusting what man says but what he says. I would believe what he says and pray for the Good and evil people in our governments.
He continued,
"Often times they are blackmailed and forced into things that they do not want to do. They are usually brainwashed and have strayed away from my council listening to the ways of men. But I desire for the nations of the Caribbean to come under one body and pray for your nations as you never did before, pray for your nations, for your children and the unsaved. Also those who are unprepared to die. I would like to address the vaccines. As many of you know the vaccines is not recommended to take because it does your body more harm than good. It is a way that the evil ones can maintain order and control over this world but I am calling all those that stand with me and know that I am the God of faithfulness to Trust me and not give in to the pressure of taking the vaccines. Trust me to provide for you. Trust me with your family, trust me with your health and protection. I know that things are slowly ramping up in the Caribbean but know that in the end I will have the upper hand and I get to say what goes and what does not. My mercy is upon all who believe in me and their families and I will protect all those who cry out for my mercy."
"Psalm 91 is a good psalm to pray over your children, over your property and your families as well as the divine mercy chaplet and the Mother of mercy chaplet not just for yourselves but for mercy upon those who have blindly and ignorantly taken the vaccine and for those that don't believe. I hear your prayers my people and in my mercy I am answering them according to my perfect will . I love you my brides. Keep pushing forward. Keep praying for your nations."
At this point I was also given another message from him about the consecration of our countries to blessed mother so I will like to add that message in as well.
He began again,
"My dearest Caribbean brides and those around the world, I want you all to know how pleased I am with your prayers and your offerings for this nation and your nation as well. You prayers have been thwarting much evil that is going on within your government and the world. Today I come to you with a new mandate, to consecrate all the countries of the Caribbean to my mother. My mother is a great ambassador for mercy and she knows what your nations need to be drawn back to me and to become holy again. Your nations have been spiked with witchcraft and the principalities of the air but my mother in all her grace and love can turn things around and bring the Caribbean back into my arms as it was intended to be. When I told this vessel to concentrate her country to blessed mother she marveled at my sayings because she thought that only a person of high authority can do something like that for it to be legit. But truly I tell you it is my little ones that I give the highest authority too and my father hears the prayers of the humble. Do not be afraid to run to my mother or to ask for her intercession, she will help you. She is your mother and not in any way wanting to be worshipped or to take the place of me or my father but she has been blessed to have the authority to help you and be your mother because of her obedience. Just as the saints and many of your family members who have passed on have the authority to intercede for you in heaven, she too has this authority and more. Please, do not write her off my people but instead in faith ask her to show you her love and to make herself real to you. She will. There will be much peace in your heart I assure you. If you feel led in the spirit to concentrate your country to her then please do pray this simple prayer."
Prayer: "Blessed mother I consecrate my country and all the souls in it to you. Please clean out the roots of sin buried deep within in and lead this country and its people back to the father like a pure bride fit for a king. Amen.
I love you all my brides, go forth in peace joy and love to your brethren."
And that was the end of his message.
So when I said did this for my country, I said a prayer similar to this one and I did my best to do it with all conviction that what I was doing was real and that she was there. I envisioned myself standing hovering over my country as I made the sign of the cross over it when I finished the prayer. Now I believe within my heart that if I asked her to intercede for my country she will and many graces from God will be poured out over it. When I went to discern this from the Lord, I got "Loving God " from the bible promises, so I took that as a yes from him. I am just a simple soul just like many of you here and I never thought that I could do something like that or even have Blessed Mother or God listen to me. In there mercy however here I am today sharing this to you. So if you don't believe in yourself, that's okay I don't believe in myself either. Rather Believe in Jesus. He will believe in you.
I wanna apologize to you all that we haven't had another heaven adventure with Jesus in so long. Please forgive me I know we all could just use an escape to there right now. I have been so swamped with many things that I have to get done that I have left on the back burner for some time and with such a hectic life being diligent is not always easy. We are also short staffed right now so many things are piling up. I do have a beautiful Heaven adventure coming for you as soon as I can get it done for you guys. As these things take hours to write and to edit properly. So if you don't see them soon, please forgive me and pray for me I do need it. To get all these things done before he comes back for us and its a lot of stuff.
Okay, enough Rambling. This week I wanna declare it Charity and Gratefulness week. It doesn't have to be this week it can be when you chose to start. In addition to our prayers for the world let us strive to do at least one act of Random kindness a day for others around us. People we know and even those we don't know if that is possible. Let us also try to find 5 things we are most grateful for and thank God for it sincerely everyday. This week can be a week of self evaluation where we really sit down and think about Gods goodness and how he has been faithful to us. Where we can think about who we were and where we had been a few years prior and how much we have grown now. Let us think of the things we did not have but God miraculously provided for us. There are many ways we can be kind to others. Telling someone you love them. Making your spouse his/her favorite breakfast. Buying lunch for someone or sharing what you have with someone who doesn't have. You probably have so much clothes and other things that could benefit others than it would you right now and you have been wanting to give stuff away. Then now is that time. Ask holy spirit to help you to show charity towards others as the week progresses and he will show you. Ask him to bring to remembrance all the things you can be grateful for and he will.
Remember it does not matter how big or small the act is. It matters more so the love behind it.
I wanna thank you all who have been supporting us and choosing to get involved with our ministry and outreach. We thank you so very much and very much appreciate it. We are indeed a full time ministry so anything that is given really helps and will be used to help our little ones on the street as we can. Thank you so very much!
God bless you guys until the next message.