Hello Island Family, May Jesus give us the grace to love even when it hurts.
So, you guys ever had a scenario in your life or scenarios where you are faced with the option of great self sacrifice? Where you must give up your own preferences, likes and dislikes for the sake of another? Sometimes it's simple things like offering the last slice of cake to someone who wanted it as well or more complex things like opening up your home to a total stranger you barely know. Well I was faced with such a situation a few weeks ago. Where I had no other choice but to yield and give up what I wanted for the sake of another. Still I don't think I passed that test at all because I kept holding on to what I felt like I had a right to have, for how I felt like I had a right to feel and I was struggling to let go. Yeah I am a hot mess. It was hard to self sacrifice and that is one of the things you have to do a lot in a marriage, with family and in the world as believers. I had never had to face this on such a high level before, it was mostly the common things. This trial was killing me honestly but I knew it had to be done because this particular soul was hurting so badly. Needless to say I reached the peak of my tolerance and broke down before the Lord. Thank God the bible says he will not test us beyond our limits (1 Corinthians 10:13).
So he had mercy on me and only allowed what I could take. This was the message that was given not just for me but all of you. Because day by day we as brides are constantly suffering for the sake of other we do not know, for things we cannot see and for situations that at times have nothing to do with us. We have Simon's crosses even for our enemies and it can be quite tiring and exhausting. But because we love the Lord, we continue to fight! We continue to give even when we have nothing.
Jesus began: "My beautiful bride, I know it can be hard to have to lay down what you want and how you feel for the sake of another. Truly this is the way of love and you are walking in it. You may not always be willing but you are walking in it. These days as time goes by very few really know how to love, how to care, how to put others above themselves. So few care about their fellow brothers and sisters on this earth but when I see others trying and desiring to walk this way my heart rejoices because it is in these little ones that the love of the father is kept in the world. The ones who walk in humility and think nothing of themselves but rather let me think everything about them, those who see everyone as above them and treats them as such. It is these that bring much delight to my father and he dwells with them in their hearts."
"Right now you are learning one of the hardest lessons of your life. To Love. When you feel rejected, when you feel abandoned. When you feel pain and when you don't feel like it you chose to love. It is things like these that bring me much joy, my daughter. If only you knew just how much every soul is in need of my love you wouldn't hesitate to give it always. But I can only expect you and all my brides to do your best. The journey is almost over my love, this too shall pass but when it is done you will be so surprised at the tremendous progress that was made in your soul."
"My gentle brides I am so proud of you that even as the world has bashed you and persecuted you, you still rise up and you show them my love, you grant them forgiveness as I have granted you. This pleases me very much. Even when you are tired and you are weary, completely to the end of yourself you still get up and you keep trying for me. I can't tell you how much this means to me. How much your prayers for those who can't pray for themselves means to me. You all are truly my beauties to behold. The treasures I carry in my treasure chest and do I cherish you deeply. Please my dearly beloved ones, do not doubt this love I have for you but instead ask for the grace to accept it and to embrace it because I truly love you. Your bridegroom truly loves you. It is by your simple acts of charity, your simple expressions of love to others that gives others hope and as you continue this many begin to have hope. Not by what you can do or anything you did but by what I your spouse does through you. This is why it is important to spend time with me each day because when you do, you fill up on my love, so much so that it overflows and pours out on others. You cannot do this if you don't have my heart or you spend little time with me. I await in Supreme joy everyday for you to come and it melts my heart to mush when I see you walking. Wind in your hair and light under your feet. Your eyes so blissfully tracing around to find mine. This sends me skyrocketing through the clouds as I know we are about to spend our sweet time together. You are my lights in this dark world my brides and I desire for it to remain that way for it is by your love and your prayers that we are winning souls. I give you the grace now to continue to show love and works of charity to others that they may be blessed. Amen"
That was the end of his message.
So family, in these dark times let us strive to continue to spread the love in anyway we can. Please don't be like me and be stingy and selfish but give instead the little that you can and see him multiply. Thank you for your support and love dear family we love you so very much. We are a small family but when we see it grow a little every time we rejoice at each and everyone of you. Every prayer offered up for us and every love gift given to help our little family on the street and others who need help means so much to us. We started this ministry with nothing but a burning desire to do more for Jesus and faith in our hearts and are just so amazed at God's faithfulness as we continue to grow little by little We appreciate and pray for you so please don't hesitate to email us or comment down below if you are in need of prayers or wish to help out with the ministry in anyway you can.
God bless you until the next time.